Nasce in campagna, tra i vigneti, in un paese nei pressi di Brescia, nel 1954.
La sua famiglia si trasferisce presto a Milano, dove frequenta prima il Liceo artistico e successivamente l’Accademia di Brera (scuola di Pittura).
E’ stato art-director in pubblicità ( ha collaborato alla nota campagna pubblicitaria “Milano da bere”).
Nel 1990 lascia la pubblicità per diventare discepolo del maestro spirituale indiano Osho Rajneesh.
Per oltre vent’anni si è dato alla meditazione e si è sottoposto a terapie intensive di psicanalisi. Di particolare importanza sono stati alcuni ritiri ZEN dove ha sperimentato le tecniche evolutive e di trasformazione per mezzo dei koan ( quesiti irrisolvibili).
Il nome MAYOOR, nome d’arte e di vita, gli è stato dato dal suo maestro spirituale, per esteso è Sw. Anand Mayoor (bliss peacock).
E’ pittore, grafico, pubblicista, artista digitale e poeta.
Vive a Candia Lomellina (PV).

He was born in campaign, among the vineyards, in a country near Brescia, in 1954.
His family moved to Milan soon, where he first attended the High School and later the Accademia di Brera (painting school).
He was an art-director in advertising (he collaborated on the famous “Milano da bere” advertising campaign).
In 1990 he left advertising to become a disciple of Indian spiritual Master Osho Rajneesh. For over twenty years he has been meditating and he has been subjected intensive therapies of psychoanalysis. Particularly important have been some ZEN retreats where he has experimented with evolutionary techniques and transformation through koan (unsolvable questions).
The name MAYOOR, his stage and life name, was given to him by his spiritual Master, the full name is Sw. Anand Mayoor (bliss peacock).
He is painter, graphic artist, publisher, digital artist and poet.
He lives in Candia Lomellina (PV).




Exhibitions and Collaborations

2017 Personale – Spazio Seicento, Milan

2016 Personale – Spazio Natta, Como

2016 Participation in Paratissima, Turin

2015 Promoted and organized the first edition of High Quality Art, where he participated with five abstract works.

2014 Collective Exhibiton – Mazzoleni Art Gallery, Bergamo, “L’arte nel pallone”

2014 Created a Mural Painting, 45 meters long, for the San Paolo Hospital of Milan (path of the mortuary corridor).

2013 Collective Exhibition – Palazzo San Severino, Vigevano, “L’altrove”

2013 Collective Exhibition – Vigevano Castle, “Anima e Corpo”

2011 “Pittura Estemporanea” Prize, 2nd place, Municipality of Maccagno (Varese)

2010 Collaborated in the drafting of the “Manifesto for the Mural Art” of the Yaonde Association

2010 In collaboration with PierMarco Mariani, made a painting of 30 meters at the San Paolo Hospital, Milan.

2010 “Copia di Escher” Mural painting for an architectural shop, Cinisello Balsamo (MB)

2009 A close collaboration with the sculptor PierMarco Mariani, for the planning of numerous public monuments projects by participating in calls issued by the Institutions throughout Italy

2007/2008 Personale Digital Painting, Milan

2007/2008 Organized and curated some exhibitions in collaboration with Atelier Yaonde

2005/2006 Selected among the finalists of the Arte Laguna Prize, Mogliano Veneto

2005/2006 Invited to the group exhibition on the subject of the conditions of Italian prisons, he exhibited the illustrated project at the cloister of the University of Bergamo, “Villa Italia”.

2005/2006 – Curated two group exhibitions dedicated to the art of the Storyboard, in collaboration with Atelier Yaonde, which lead to the birth of the first Italian site dedicated to the art of the sketch:

2005/2000 Personale – Digital Art, Bergamo

2005/2000 Invited to the traveling public exhibition “Container Art” at the Municipality of Bergamo

2005/2000 He joined the staff of the Atelier Yaonde Cultural Association of Milan